Brand: Elkmaster Tips

Elk Master snooker cue tips have been the most common tip to play with for many years and even though there are now lots of different tips to try, it seems like most players always come back to use the original cue tips again at some point.

Del Says: "These Elk master snooker and pool cue tips can be used for English 8 ball pool with the small 8mm to 8.5mm tips and of course snooker cues for the 9mm and 9.5mm and Most common 10mm plus the bigger Elk master tips used for American 8 ball, American 9 ball and 10 Ball Pool games Around the world. This Kind of Snooker cue tip is always glued on and you are advised to learn how to re-tip your own cue"

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The Elk Master snooker cue tips come in all sizes from 8mm up to 13mm 

Available in sizes: 8mm, 8.5mm, 9mm, 9.5mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm 

The world's best selling snooker cue tip for many years manufactured from blue chrome leather by Tweeten Fibre Co in the U.S.A.

Over the past few years there have been more and more different kinds of snooker cue tips come out to buy on the market but few with the feeling and sound that these original Elk master tips give a player still with other types I found to be to hard or to soft or have a very different sound on stricking through the cue ball.

If your a snooker player who holds the cue in the same place for every shot, you will notice your tip slant to one side bigger than the other, this is because all good snooker players tend to use far more bottem and stun shots for positional play and therefore it gets knocked in on oe side far more than the other and this can be a reason for missing some shots as you will see some matter of unwanted side spin get applied to the cue ball at times.

This means to aviod this you must either re-tip your snooker or pool cue more often, or re-shape it much more to avoid this problem or of course change the way you hold your cue making sure to not hold the cue in the same way for every shot but this can of course be a hard habit to overcome.

After seeing the new Elk-Pro tips come on to the market I tried these and find them a little hard but that of course can be a good thing when it comes to the strength of the tip not slanting over to one side, and so find the Medium hardness tips the best for me.

The Strongest part of the tip many players seem to overlook when replacing an old tip with a new one that is not the correct size in the first place, this meaning they put a 10mm tip on to a 9.5mm cue and either cut around the sides to make it fit or sand down the sides to make fit but the sides of the tip then will fail and tend to slant much worse with time, and so would recommend getting the correct size tips to fit your own snooker cue.

The two snooker cue tips that were always known for being hard to beat and the only two proper tips around Elk master and Blue Diamond tips.

There are now lots of snooker and pool cue tips to choose from Including:

Elk Master, Blue Diamond, Elk-Pro cue tips, Talisman Pro tips, Blue Velvet cue tips, Kamui black snooker cue tips, Screw on type snooker and pool cue tips, Taom-pro cue tips, Century snooker cue tips, to name just a few around today all having some good and not so good points but worth a try to find out what tip you prefer maybe.

I have know some snooker players to go through lots of tips looking for the one they play better with that feels and sounds the best and that is why getting your own box of 50 is a good idea.


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